Patrick Wen
Company: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Job title: Director, Center For Neuro-Oncology
Exploring Anti-EGFR Therapies for GBM: Case Study of a CNS-penetrant EGFR Inhibitor Developed Specifically for GBM 8:35 am
EGFR is amplified or mutated in ~60% of GBM but previous EGFR inhibitors have not shown promising activity in GBM due to a combination of poor CNS penetration and incomplete inhibition of EGFR signaling. This workshop will gather experts to discuss: Challenges which have previously held back this promising approach using examples from the recent…Read more
day: Workshop Track 2 Pre-Morning Break
Gain Unrivalled Insights Into GBM-Specific Clinical Trial Rationale to Keep Ahead of the Curve 2:00 pm
Overview of the updated response criteria for glioblastomas and IDH-mutated gliomas: RANO 2.0 Sharing therapeutic modality-specific advice on clinical trial design Analyzing novel endpoints for glioma trialsRead more
day: Conference Day 1